A Welcoming Home

I have always loved entertaining, and as a family we have always tried to welcome people into our home regularly. I can remember being newly married, and my husband and I would have young couples over and they would hang out until the wee hours of the night.

As a youth minister’s wife, we constantly had kids over hanging out. Like, really, allllllll the time. Sometimes I would have to clear the house out by simply saying “it’s midnight. Why are your parents not calling you to come home?! Go home already!”🤣

Now as parents of teens, we have teens into our home often. We have families from our church over for dinner often. Many times when people leave, they tell me how cozy and welcoming my home is. I love hearing that, because that means I have accomplished what I was aiming for!

Now let me tell you, my home is not big, every space is not even fully decorated (we only moved in two years ago!), and it’s certainly not always spotless (correction: it’s NEVER spotless😂). But I have found that these are not the things that make people feel welcome when they’re in my home. I really think that ensuring that people feel welcome in your home comes down to three simple things:

First, create a home that speaks of love. Family pictures, thoughtful decor that represents your family’s personality, tidy spaces, soft lighting and yummy scents all contribute to this. I love my downstairs gallery wall because there are so many memories and so much love represented there, and other people feel that while they are in my home.

Bibles and Scripture passages are all throughout our home, because that’s who we are. We never have a spotless house, but we try to keep the house tidy – we always have a candle or wax warmer burning and our home smelling nice, with lamps lighting each corner of the room – and all of these things make people feel comfortable and welcome! 

Second, always offer your guests some type of food. We are a food culture! We connect over food (and this is nothing new – remember the first church? The book of Acts says that they broke bread together regularly)! Even if you are not serving your guests a meal, have fresh baked cookies, or sweet tea, or some type of refreshment available to people when they come over. It really makes a big difference!

Last, make people’s experience in your home memorable. Sometimes when we have people over we play board games; sometimes we set up outdoor games like washers and cornhole; other times we have swim parties or sometimes we just sit around our large kitchen table with a group of friends laughing and telling life stories. We usually try to plan ahead what we will be doing during our get together so that there is not an awkward lull in the evening, specifically if we are entertaining people that we do not know very well. When people have a memorable experience, I can assure you that they will feel welcomed and appreciate the cozy, homey aura of your home!

It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money or take a lot of time to create a welcoming home…it just takes a little thoughtful preparation. How about you? How do you make your home welcoming? 

**You can shop all of the products from the top picture by clicking any of the pictures below! Also, the handbag is only $10 with your code STACY35. You can find it HERE